The Black Tent Team

Hi there! Welcome to Black Tent!

If you’re new here, we’re glad to have you and we hope you find your time with us enjoyable!

We are a small team who busy themselves with telling stories and enthralling the minds of our visitors. We delight in putting forth supplemental material for Dungeons & Dragons 5e but we also dabble in creating out own unique games and have been doing so for a few years now.

We’re based out of the Wildcard Tavern in the Feywild and travel through all realms with our Door to Nowhere. If time is your concern, then know that we typically adopt the rhythm of the people of Eastern Canada.

Who are we?

Though our team is entirely comprised of artists, our time is mostly spent on developing new adventures. As such our artistic skills are often limited to sketches, though Alabaster has produced several stunning pieces for us that have appeared in our products.

We’ve commissioned artists in the past but failed to find an individual that could join our team full time or that we could work with regularly. We also came to realize it simply was not feasible for us to keep up with the costs of commission work with the amount of artwork we wanted for our products.

As such we turned to Midjourney and have gotten excellent results as we often use our own sketches as a base for the AI to work from. We hope to one day not have to rely on generated artwork for our products but at the moment it simply is not feasible for us to commission so much artwork from talented artists.

Artwork & AI

The Creators

Raconteuse ''Roe'' Von Caligo

A grey skinned woman, arachnidan fey… thing?

Roe is the owner & keeper of the Wildcard Tavern & the Engineer of the crew. Roe typically sets up the frameworks both in writing & artwork, taking ideas and making them into workable game concepts. She is also the main presence over on the Patreon, creating many of the posts & sharing the process behind the creation of our products.

Alabaster Redbeard

A stout dwarven man with a fiery beard & a penchant for the dramatic.

Alabaster is the main entertainer & Brewmaster at the Wildcard Tavern, he is also the Architect behind the design of our products. Alabaster takes drafts and turns them into finished products, creating the layout and design for all of them. He is also the main presence on most of our social medias, if you interact with us on Instagram he is most likely the one you are speaking to.