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Welcome to Black Tent.

Set foot into the sprawling settlement of Black Tent, a city precariously perched atop a cliff and below two card-like slabs of shale. Amidst the wonders of the Feywild, Black Tent stands proudly as a bastion for the bold, daring, and entrepreneurial; with it’s winding boulevards clad in gilded street lamps, secrets and mystery never lay too far out of reach. Step into the Wildcard and listen to heroes and adventurer’s regale of their harrowing journeys, or study down by the fireplace. Just be certain to keep your friends close, and your coin purse even closer. Welcome to Black Tent.

Praise from Adventurers

  • “Great adventure for small groups at around 5th level. A 1-2 shot that is well worth the cost, great work!”

    — Capn Zed, Purchased Hollow: Remastered, 5th edition Oneshot, 5th Level

  • “This is well written and wonderfully designed for a smaller party adventure.”

    — James, Purchased Chaos at the Twinstar Brewery, 5th edition Oneshot, 3rd level

  • “The D&D Club had so much fun playing this oneshot for halloween and we plan on running it again next year“

    — Katherine, Purchased Apothecarium, 5th edition Oneshot, 2nd level

  • “Very good lore for the price!“

    — Alfredo, Purchased Echoes of Archshade - Lore supplement, 5e

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